A Romanian investor renounces to expand in Moldavia on account of the tensions from Ukraine

A Romanian investor renounces to expand in Moldavia on account of the tensions from Ukraine

August 9, 2014

Although at the beginning of the current year RomGerMed, one of the most important players on the private healthcare services market in Romania had announced its intention to expand towards the Republic of Moldavia, on account of the tensions in the region, the company has recently announced the postponing of investments.

„We considered that Moldavia and Bulgaria are markets in progress of maturation, of growth. In addition, at the beginning of the year there was the possibility of a good economic evolution at European level, whereas now, on the fund of instability generated by the situation in Ukraine and the economic stagnation in the EU, the optimism was tuned down. The expansion of a business, entering a new market needs firstly stability, safety and the general impression from now is rather of uncertainty”, stated Ciprian Nicoara, the group’s general manager in a press release, writes incont.ro

According to the quoted source, the expansion plans shall be reapplied when the current tensions shall disappear and the business climate shall be a safe one.
The decision to postpone the expansion shall not affect the group’s financial evolution, and the internal market perspectives are positive, as indicated by the company.
For the present year, Romgermed estimates an increase by 15% in turnover, compared to the one in 2013, when it reported 21 million Euros.
Romgermed Group is controlled in share of 95% by Dorian Sam Schwartz, and the rest of 5% is held by Filip Florin Schwartz.

Source: http://www.eco.md/index.php/afaceri/companii/item/2086-un-mare-investitor-rom%C3%A2n-renun%C5%A3%C4%83-s%C4%83-se-extind%C4%83-%C3%AEn-moldova-din-cauza-tensiunilor-din-ucraina